Diversity is a central feature of our time. It makes our world rich, fascinating and alive. Even our natural teeth are as individual as people themselves. For the patient, innovations in materials and technologies bring unprecedented benefits.

To be best positioned for the future, this means for practices and laboratories the smart transformation and development from analog to digital.

We would like to be your partner on this path - because we can!
Zirkoncia DD cubeY HL

DD cubeY HL

Combines the best of two worlds

Nacera® Pearl Natural

For highest aesthetic demands
Yellow warm

DD cube ONE®

Cubic zirconia with increased fracture protection factor

DD cube ONE® ML

Smooth shade gradation from cervical to incisal
Maurice Wiesmaier

»We are looking for a zirconia manufacturer that is located in Germany. Made in Germany - that is an important criterion. If the material quality is convincing, we decide according to how the company is established on the market, how it acts in external communication and how reliable the supply chains are set up. That's why we chose Dental Direkt."«

Mr. Wiesmaier, Lubbereich GmbH Dental Lab

DD cubeX²®

Translucent like lithium disilicate but stable like zirconia

DD cubeX²® ML

Excellent for cut back (one layer)

DD Bio ZW iso

Our classic among the zirconia

DD Bio ZW iso color

Zirconia in 5 universal colors
Jörg Pohl

»For example, we recently prepared two Inalys - one from lithium disilicate and one from your DD cubeX® ML. We sent both to our dentist-customer to choose one. And he chose the DD cubeX® ML inlay. So we can see: the esthetics of the DD zirconia already given are simply great.«

Jörg Pohl, Dental lab Pohl, Senden

DD Bio ZX²

White zirconia with high light transmission

DD Bio ZX² color

One material for all highly esthetic restorations
Zirkonoxid Nacera Pearl Natural

The latest generation of zirconia with the innovative raw material mix

Nacera Table

The highest trump card. One disc for all indications.

  • Aesthetic line blue-cold
  • simple documentation, optimized processes
  • lean inventory, more yield

Sinter program: Standard | small design | low mass

Nacera Pearl Brennwert 8

Sinter program: Solid | solid construction | high mass

Nacera Pearl Brennwert Massiv

Sinter program: Speed | fully anatomical crown

Nacera Brennwert 1,5
Nacera Farben
Diversity wins
Zirkonoxid cube ONE

Multi-indicative ceramic combines translucency and strength

Table cube One

The "all-rounder disc" for the perfect game strategy.

  • Multi-indicative universal zirconia
  • Ideal balance between stability and esthetics
  • Very high fracture toughness

Sinter program: Standard | small design | low mass


Sinter program: Solid | solid construction | high mass


Sinter program: Speed | fully anatomical crown

Diversity wins
Zirkonoxid cube ONE ML

Smooth shade gradation from cervical to incisal

Table ML

The joker brings color into the game!

  • Multi-indicative universal zirconia in more than 16 shades
  • Incisal and dentine layer + 2 transition layers = natural color gradient
  • Ideal balance between stability and esthetics

Sinter program: Standard | small design | low mass


Sinter program: Solid | solid construction | high mass


Sinter program: Speed | fully anatomical crown

Nacera Farben
Diversity wins
Zirkonoxid cube X

The first choice for users with the highest demands for natural aesthetics and material safety

Table cube X

The trump card in the anterior region

  • More stable than lithium disilicate with comparable esthetics
  • Cut back (one layer)
  • Ideal for highly esthetic veneering work

Sinter program: Standard | small design | low mass


Sinter program: Solid | solid construction | high mass


Sinter program: Speed | fully anatomical crown

Nacera Farben
Diversity wins
Zirkonoxid cubeX ML

The Excellent Solution for Every Workflow

cubeX ML

Effective play of an aesthete!

  • More stable than lithium disilicate with comparable esthetics
  • Available in all 16 VITA® tooth shades + Bleach
  • Incisal and dentine layer + 2 transition layers = natural color gradient

Sinter program: Standard | small design | low mass


Sinter program: Solid | solid construction | high mass


Sinter program: Speed | fully anatomical crown

Nacera Farben
Diversity wins
Zirkonoxid Bio ZWiso

Our "classic" among the zirconium oxides

TAble Bio ZWiso

Two jokers in the game: strength and long-term durability convince!

  • Opaque - Ideal for masking work
  • Very good staining
  • Hybrid abutment

Sinter program: Standard | small design | low mass


Sinter program: Solid | solid construction | high mass


Sinter program: Speed | fully anatomical crown

Nacera Farben
Diversity wins
Zirkonoxid Bio ZWisocolor

One material for all highly esthetic restorations

Table Bio ZWiso color

The base color stings - the rest is taken care of by the jokers!

  • Veneering is optimally supported by the basic colors
  • A classic with 5 universal colors
  • Opaque - Ideal for masking work

Sinter program: Standard | small design | low mass


Sinter program: Solid | solid construction | high mass


Sinter program: Speed | fully anatomical crown

Nacera Farben
Diversity wins
Zirkonoxid Bio ZX2

White zirconia with high light transmission

Table Bio ZX

The "LA Joker" - the trump card to victory!

  • Highly esthetic veneering in any span width
  • High strength
  • High fracture toughness

Sinter program: Standard | small design | low mass


Sinter program: Solid | solid construction | high mass


Sinter program: Speed | fully anatomical crown

Nacera Farben
Diversity wins
Zirkonoxid Bio ZX2 color

One material for all highly esthetic restorations

Table Bio ZXcolor

»The dental royal flush« – 16 trumps plus 5 jokers

  • 16 VITA® shades and 5 universal shades
  • High strength
  • High fracture toughness

Sinter program: Standard | small design | low mass


Sinter program: Solid | solid construction | high mass


Sinter program: Speed | fully anatomical crown

Nacera Farben
Diversity wins