Vision: A healthy smile with a clear conscience - focus on sustainable dentistry

Dental Direkt is committed to minimizing the environmental impact of its business activities and making a positive contribution to sustainable development.

Nachhaltigkeit Recycling

Our mission statement

  • Ecological responsibility: Reducing the carbon footprint, conserving resources and promoting the circular economy.
  • Social responsibility: Promoting the well-being of employees, supporting social projects and ensuring fair working conditions.
  • Economic responsibility: Long-term value creation through sustainable action.

Our goals:

  • Climate neutrality by 2040: 50% less CO2 emissions by 2030 and full compensation of the remaining emissions by 2040.
  • Resource efficiency: 20% less resource consumption by 2030.
  • Circular economy: Establishment of a circular economy supply chain by 2025.
  • Social sustainability: Promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace and supporting social projects in the region.

Dental Direkt is committed to sustainable action and takes responsibility for the environment and society. This strategy forms the framework for our future actions and serves as a guideline for the continuous improvement of our sustainability performance.


Together for a sustainable future!

Nachhaltigkeit Photovoltaik

Our measures:

  • Sustainable procurement: Focus on certified suppliers and products.
  • Sustainable products and packaging: Development and introduction of sustainable alternatives.
  • Optimized production: Increased energy efficiency and reduction of waste streams.
  • Efficient logistics: Optimization of transport routes and reduction of fuel consumption.
  • Intelligent waste management: Avoidance, recycling and composting of waste.
  • Committed employees: Promoting sustainable awareness and involvement in sustainability initiatives.

Transparency and dialog:

  • Regular sustainability reports: publication of progress on our website.
  • Stakeholder involvement: Involving customers, suppliers, employees and other interest groups in the sustainability process.
Nachhaltigkeit Busticket